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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Patron in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that the stoppage of lethal American aid is anexcellent opportunity to get rid of the chief of the colonial powers. Rulers must follow the path of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) and adopt complete Muqaatiya i.e. separation from America. The hardships of Sheb e Abi Talib (A.S) made Islam eternally powerful. Rulers per their electoral slogans and commitments, must abandon begging to put Pakistan on the track of self-reliance. A friend of Pakistan’s eternal enemy India can never be friendly. Had Pakistan not become a nuclear power, India along with the American support would have repeated the history of East Pakistan many times. The new wave of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians is the result of Moodi’s visit to Tel Aviv. Masjid e Aqsa and the Jamea Masjid of Srinagar share the same tragic story. India and Israel abetted and facilitated by America are following the same track to suppress freedom movements of Kashmir and Palestine. The Kufars of Mecca could not dare to inflict any harm on the holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) during the life of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S), Muslim governments must adopt the path of Abu Talib (A.S) for the protection of islamic interests. Youm e Nigehban e Risalat i.e. “The day of the protector of the holy Prophet (PBUH&HP)” will be commemorated on Monday to pay tributes to the unmatchable services of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S). He said this while addressing to the central committee members of Mukhtar Students Organization.
Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that post arrest statement of the in service operative of RAW Kalbhoshan has revealed all Indian plans against the CPEC and it has been proven that the progress of Pakistan is not acceptable to India and therefore, she is plotting against CPEC along with complete support from Afghanistan. India has been conspiring against Pakistan sovereignty since day one and kept trying one tactic after the other. India founded Mukti Bahini to disintegrate Pakistan, threatened Pakistan through her nuclear tests however, when Pakistan performed her own nuclear tests in defense, it left India shocked. He said that on sentencing death penalty to the Indian agent by Pakistan, India raiseda lot of hue and cry throughout the world while the international court also issued a stay in favor of India however, Pakistan has already submitted all proofs of Indian intervention to the United Nations which has not moved the international organization even a bit. On the other hand, India has continued with the water terrorism against Pakistan by violating IWT agreement and blocking water of the rivers flowing to Pakistan while these Indian conspiracies can turn into a nuclear conflict anytime but the UN and other international organizations have become silent spectators which indicates their hypocrisy.
Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that after the illegitimate occupation of Kashmir and worried from the consequent freedom movement, India took the matter to the United Nations and accepted the resolutions in favor or plebiscite however, she continues to deny it till date. He said that the new wave of freedom struggle in Kashmir has seriously worried India and she is trying to suppress it by sheer force and aggression.

Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that as per the quote from Maula e Kainaat Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib (A.S), the friend of the enemy is also the enemy therefore, Pakistan must never depend upon America who in support of India has forgotten Pakistan’s sacrifices and services. He said that the Amnesty International’s revelations about the American, Indian, Israeli, and Afghan agents training terrorists in the Indian consulates in Qandahar to launch terrorist attacks in Pakistan is enough to open the eyes of the International organizations but these organizations have been playing stooge to the United States. He said that the continued terrorist attacks in Parachanar, Quetta, Karachi and the incidents of Target Killings, attacks on the security agencies in different areas are the result of the three states alliance of America, India and Israel which is a grave threat to the world of humanity. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that unless the peace loving forces get united against the international evil powers, no power on earth would be able to stop a third world war.
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