ISLAMABAD, 21st March 2020: All calamities including Corona will be fought against through religious spirit and strength. The courage and firmness of Imam Musa Kazim (A.S) is beacon of light for not only the Islamic world but the entire world of humanity. Sacrifices of Pakistan’s courageous armed forces defending the borders of the motherland are a source of pride for the nation. This was expressed in the declaration of the central program of Ayyam e Baab ul Hawaij at Headquarter Maktab e Tashayyo that was participated by thousands of Azadars (mourners) which also concluded the three-days mourning programs of Ayyam e Baabul Hawaij. Taboot processions were brought out and Majalis e Aza held on this occasion. Addressing to the Majalis e Aza, Zakireen and religious scholars highlighted the sacred personality and character of Hazrat Imam Musa ibn-e-Jafar al Kazim (A.S) while special prayers were offered for the Corona pandemic, eradication of the disease, solidarity of the Islamic world and stability and development of the motherland Pakistan.

Addressing on the occasion Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that in the time of crisis and calamities, it is important to get associated with Almighty Allah and his holy personalities rather than distancing from them. Islam teaches for purity and cleanliness and only those who follow these guidelines go for the pilgrimage of Khana Kaaba, Masjid e Nabvi and the holy Shrines. Therefore, sealing the holy places is like inviting more sufferings and problems as association with the heroes of Islam is the only solution of finding refuge while distancing people from the Islamic centers will only strengthen the evil powers. Kaaba, Masjid-e-Nabawi and Shrines of Aaima keep the status of Hospitals and their closure is tantamount to oppression on humanity suffering from pain.

He said that strengthening relation with Almighty Allah is more important as the world is being occupied by the evil powers. Trump’s announcement of not lifting sanctions from Iran is a clear proof of evilness while it is also a slap on the faces of those who consider the chief of evil powers as a champion of human rights. The Afghan peace deal by America was also a deception for the world as America herself if now violating it. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that colonial powers are not a friend of any Muslim country including Saudi Arab, Iran, Pakistan and UAE. The entire Muslim Ummah must stand with Iran in this time of crisis to thwart the impact of American sanctions on Iran. He said that the entire life of Imam Musa Kazim (A.S) was spent in prison however, he never deviated from the path of righteousness and speaking truth in front of tyrant rulers rather converted the dungeons and prisons into places of worship and prayers through his steadfastness and truthfulness.

Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the programs of Ayyam e Baab ul Hawaij, helped eradicating the fear of corona virus. Shia, Sunni brothers and the administration all are worth appreciating for expressing unity and solidarity in the programs of Ayyam e Baab ul Hawaij.
On this occasion, Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi appealed to the nation to offer special prayers on the upcoming Shab e Meraj, Youm e Besat e Rasool on 27th Rajab, and 28 Rajab Youm e Safar e Shahadat as contacting the Almighty Allah provides guarantee of getting rid from the pandemic.
Meanwhile, according to the reports received in Markaz e Maktab e Tashayyo , Majalis e Aza and mourning processions of Taboot were held in all small and big towns and cities of Pakistan. Central programs of Majalis e Aza and Jaloos e Aza were held in Mochi gate and Pando Street Krishan Nagar in Lahore, Imambargah Bahadur Ali Kiyani in Peshawar, Shah Faisal Colony in Karachi, Aastana Laal Shah in Multan, Darbar Sakhi Shah Nazar Deewan, Darbar Shah Piyara in Rawalpindi, Darbar e Aal e Muhammad and Elaqa Sakhi Sarwar in Dera Ghazi Khan, Bargah e Kaziya in Waryamal Chakwal, and Mukhtar Secretariat Hazara Town in Quetta.